The Geneva auto show beamed with electric cars

And There you go ! Le Salon de l’Auto de Genève showed that the car market has more and more electric car models. Electricity stole the show Once again this year, the most exotic manufacturers on the planet have come together to unveil their latest products. Manufacturers have presented numerous electric vehicle projects. Manufacturers have […]
The growing electric circuit

The Electric Circuit is the first network of public charging stations for electric vehicles in Canada. It offers charging at 240 volts and 400 volts The terminals are installed in the parking lots of its many partners throughout Quebec and in Northeastern Ontario. A project that works Since its inauguration on March 30, 2012, the […]
The grand launch of Moto Québec

The Quebec Road Safety Education Foundation (FQESR) is very pleased to announce the launch of its new motorcycle association: Moto Québec. The mission of our new motorcycle association We want to help our members improve their motorcycle experience and ignite and nurture their passion for the sport we love. Discover our association of motorcyclists The […]
Driving without a license what are the consequences

It can be tempting to drive without a license when you don’t know the consequences and you feel like you’re doing pretty well behind the wheel It is however a dangerous transgression and severely punished by law. Vehicle seizure, hefty fine, demerit points… Is the game worth it? Driving without a license affects everyone If […]
Used tires perform better than you think

Contrary to popular belief, new tires do not necessarily perform better than used ones. Used tires perform better than you think. Popular beliefs vs reality The Car Guide published a recent survey conducted by Michelin North America (Canada) Inc., which reveals that 90% of Canadian drivers believe that new tires always offer better performance than […]
The helmet, protection for life

Although highly enjoyable, motorcycle rides have their own level of risk. It is therefore important to always wear a helmet, wearing it is even mandatory by the highway code. This is protection for life. The helmet and protective clothing are the only protections on which the motorcyclist can count to avoid or reduce injuries in […]
License plate customization has arrived

Since July 27, 2018, Quebecers can personalize their license plate like most Canadian provinces and American states. How it works? For the sum of $250, car, truck, motorcycle, snowmobile or moped owners can choose from two to seven symbols, including numbers and letters, to appear on their license plate. This requires an annual renewal fee […]
Important changes to the highway code

Since the beginning of July 2018, the Highway Safety Code has undergone major changes to make the road network safer for its users. Drunk Driving Body By statistics showing that it is one of the main causes of death related to the automobile, the government of Quebec has decided to make the law more severe […]
Drive green for greenbacks

Since 2015, the Government of Quebec has had a specific budget to increase the number of electric cars on the roads of Quebec, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce energy dependence on oil and thus improve Quebec’s trade balance and contribute to economic development” (Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Transport Electrification). Government incentives have been made available […]
A road shared by truckers and motorists

After a long day of work, the time to return home has finally arrived. On the way back, long traffic delays traffic. You certainly won’t be home in the usual 30 minutes. An accident occurred on the road involving a motorist and a truck driver. Scenes that send shivers down your spine. Paramedics have placed […]